So lately it seems everyone likes to talk about their dreams. Maybe it's because everyone's been having strong dreams. Today, I just remembered what one of my dreams was last night and I thought I'd share for discussion.
In my dream I am back in El Campo working for the
newspaper there. That was my first legit job and for some reason or another, I've returned to do the job again.
Note: I have fond memories of that old job. I feel I learned more in that year than the four years of college. I had a tough, but fair boss. And the owners were very kind people. If there was one female in El Campo my age and dating (they were all married with kids or they left town), I might have stayed more than a year. Maybe. Austin was quite a draw to me back then.
OK, back to the dream. It starts out in the Monday morning meeting where we talk about the stories in the next issue. It was all the same cast as the days when I worked there.
At one point while we're talking about my assignments. "Just like last time," my editor was telling me. Obituaries, city council and police blotters, mixed with an occasional boll weavil eradication program update.
Then, I remember thinking, "Oh yeah, I'm going to need to go over to the police station and grab the police reports right after this meeting."
I look down and I'm wearing my new flip flops. I know this is against the newspaper dress code. In fact, when I worked there, one reporter was sent home for wearing Jesus sneakers to change shoes. I agreed with the call then and agreed in this dream as well. I scrambled to my desk and threw my feet far below and waited for the right time to make my exit. I was thinking, I'm five minutes from the apartment where I can put on work shoes.
Then, I woke up and rolled to a side and dreamt about things I don't remember.