I came home from work on Friday to find a neighbor edging my lawn. I walked down and had a chat with him. Basically, he's bored and he's testing his new gas-powered edger. I asked if I should take the hint (I've been blowing off edging all season) and he said, "No, I'm just looking for things to do." He misses his wife.
So what could I do? I couldn't just leave him out there to tend to my yard. Instead, I plugged in my edger and joined him--meeting him in the middle like he suggested. It took less than 30 minutes. If I did it alone, it would have been an hour. His gas-powered edger dug about an inch deeper than my electric one.
Otherwise outside, our yard is going nicely. We don't have many new plants to baby. And the only new plants we really need to worry about are tough banana trees.
Our bean stalks are rising. Our Carolina jasmine is climbing. Our roses are blooming. Our cat is hunting.
Yesterday while working out there, I came across the above spider. The sunlight was pretty on his web, so I shot the photo.