Monday, January 28, 2008

Hello 2008

Nearly a month after the new year, I'll post my resolutions here.

First, the regulars:
  • Workout/ride my bike more/lose 10 pounds
  • Eat better
  • Read more
  • Let go of idle B.S.

Then, a few new ones:

  • Be a good dad
  • Help with the neighborhood association more
  • Explore existential being and inner peace

I have a couple more, but I don't think I'll post them up here. They are secret missions for only the few.

Friday, January 18, 2008

All in!

I've been playing World Series of Poker '08 on the 360. So far, it's the best poker game created for the console--if not ever--I've found. I have a buddy in Austin who plays, too. So it has the same social feel to it. My friend found several tournaments and might even win one or two. I haven't had the chance to get too serious with them myself, but I did catch a game last night.

Usually, when I play this group, I do fairly well. I think I got 6 or 7 out of 21 last night. The tourney started late, so i was nodding off. Suddenly, I stirred from a brief slumber to discover I went all in with an off-suit 6-3. Someone called my bullshit and that was the end of me. I was in bed asleep within 3 minutes. If I wasn't so tired, who knows how well I could have done.

Anyone up for playing it in real life?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Sorry I haven't updated recently. My heart hasn't been into it.

We had our trees trimmed for the first time ever this week. It was a hefty bill, but apparently one of the costs of owning huge trees. Go fig. I think they look pretty good--and more importantly, they're not touching the house anymore. The next big project is replacing a sliding glass door with a French door (custom size, no less).

Meanwhile, things are moving right along. Zoe is doing well. The house is in good shape.

The only thing in the air is where I'll be working in about a month an a half. Not, who I will be working for (hopefully, that stays the same), but where. They first told me I'd be going back to working from home. Then, the building peeps mentioned I might stay/be moved in with the sales team (dread). Then, for good measure, my work added another option to the table of working in an entirely different building. "All of these are options," is the most solid statement I'm getting. I'm trying to be a good sport about it, but it's hard when you don't know what the drive will be taking your kid to day care. And it's hard when your opinion is really not considered, even though you've been the only one actually going to the office everyday for the past year.

It is what it is. I will bend like the willow. I have some faith that good people will make good decisions.

And I miss Sophie.