So, I was concerned about how those final days would be for her. Specifically the pain. We began to give her a catheter to empty her bladder, which was incredibly large due to no relief. But, that would only fill back up again and she'd be back in the pain. So, instead of keeping her here for my sake, I decided to let her go for hers. It was one of the toughest decisions I've ever made. I stayed with her to the end, told I loved her, she's a good girl, we had a good time, and finally, good bye.
It went fast.
We already miss her very much. I've had her for 11.5 years, from college days, to my first career job, to getting married and having a baby. She supported me the whole time. She was a fantastic dog and I was lucky I was watching TV that day she happened to be featured as pet of the week on the local news. From the moment I saw her then, I've enjoyed her personality, charm and wisdom.
I'm so sorry Nate.
Hey Nate,
I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet Sophi. I was in a similar situation with my dog Winston (RIP) last year and I know it's not easy.
I'm happy, however, to hear about Zoe's arrival!! Congratulations!!! Enjoy this time with your family.
Jennifer Hairston
Oh Nate, I am so sorry about poor sweet Sophi. It's so hard to lose a furry little family member; you never stop missing them. We lost our 17-year-old Angst last year and it's still tough sometimes. I'm glad Sophi was able to give you so much joy in the 11-1/2 years you knew her.
So sorry to hear about Sophi. She was always such a great dog when we hung out in Chicago. Hang in there and remember the fun times she gave ya.
So sorry to hear of Sophi. She was a sweetie.
Congrats on Zoe - she is a darling! Too cute...
Viki and Al
dude that really sux i can remember way back when playin with Sophi in our pool when you came home from college one year heh times fly, anyways heh sorry to see shes gone. anyways remember the good times and till next time heh peace out bro,
I just read this Sunday morning. I am so sorry. I know she was your gal and I know kind of what you're going through.
The 30th was the 7 month anniversary of Fred's passing and I felt all day something was wrong--call it a disturbance in The Force. I thought it was the passing of a friend's sick Basset, but I see now it was Sophi.
I wish there was something I could say.
Maybe Fred and Sophi have finally gotten to meet.
Let me know if you need to talk.
I'll be thinking of ya'll.
Well, I guess that answers my previous question. I'm sorry for your loss -- my husband lost his beloved cat-pal of 15 years a few months ago and it's one of the few times I've seen him cry.
You gave her a great life, one in which she was cherished and adored. What animal could want for more?
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