Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Yard report

The rain has pretty much stopped here. I was just telling Yvonne it was like having a vacation from watering the lawn because we had so much rain. I know people were injured and property was lost during the course of the wet spring and early summer, but I still enjoyed it for my own selfish reasons.

At this point, the only two areas where there is no grass include this patch of dirt is in the photo to the left (not the dog ...). The other patch is in a very shaded area and may not fill in until we (ever!) get the trees trimmed.

The wildflower seed filled a few bare patches up front. And I didn't mow a patch or two to let the flowers bloom. We're thinking we might try that again in the remaining areas, if we don't sod the back yard spot.

The one strong azalea in a side bed is struggling this year because the city cut some trees and placed it more in the sun. Although the rain has been great, I've had to water that one plant. I'm hoping he'll be OK because I've lost hope for all of the ones up front--about five or six, for those counting. But, other bushes are filling out nicely and taking more space, so I'm not sad about the azaleas. We got those when we didn't know what we were doing. We'll never buy them again.

I'm more interested in focusing on what else to plant. A banana plant in the back has gone ape. he he, sorry I had to. Seriously, it's as tall as I am and the leaves span three feet. We planted that this year, with another one in our "side yard." The second one is barely three feet tall because we think it doesn't get as much sun.

We planted corn and sunflowers, but they were rained out. Our squash seeds have sprouted into a large plant that had a flower last week. We're still waiting on the veggie. A couple sweet potato vines returned from last year, which is unusual. They normally don't survive the winter. But, I imagine they could fill the bed by summer's end. We are thinking we want more canna lillies.

Other than that, everything is going well. I'm not sure anyone is interested, but it just one of the things I deal with, so it's worth posting.


Katy said...

I like reading about your yard. The yard-challenged among us enjoy hearing from people who know what they're doing.

Incognato said...
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Incognato said...

haha, i wouldn't say we know what we're doing ... but thanks!

Sending your loved one our best ... i hope they find the source.

Unknown said...

"Why would anyone do drugs when they could just mow a lawn?"--Hank Hill

Incognato said...

lol, i like that