Saturday, January 03, 2009

2009 New Year Resolutions

  1. Workout more/Lose weight/Eat better
  2. Teach Zoe more words
  3. Keep the marriage strong
  4. Keep a roof over our heads and a pantry full of "grain" (i.e. succeed at work during this economy)
  5. Pay off more debt
  6. Improve my poker skillz. Try to compete.
  7. Read more (I have books, just not the time to read figured out)
  8. Find a place to live with a yard/second bedroom and get Walker back
  9. Learn more than two guitar chords
  10. Maintain a steady stream of Xbox Live achievement points


andreas.wpv said...

so what's the biggest challenge in this?

Incognato said...

tough call. I'd say 1 and 5 and 7 out of the ones I have direct control...