Wednesday, April 29, 2009

100 Days of American Pride

I'm happy with the direction things are going after the first 100 days with Obama. Yvonne and I both feel like we've seen small signs that things aren't getting worse.

A lot of tough decisions have had to be made in Washington, just like in our home and most likely yours. Speaking for my home decisions, I feel like we've made very few mistakes. I also feel this way about the administration.

It's only one of three branches in the government and he's sticking to the role and not rewriting the constitution of the United States, like Bush.

I feel like Obama understands his role and has an honest presentation of his power to fix things. he needs cooperation from the financial district. Don't we all? He needs cooperation from all his endeavors to fix what has been destroyed the last eight years. Things like our place in the global community (we provide back support, not back rubs) and the definition of torture is not a legal fuzzy line.

Unfortunately, some folks need to be reminded of the alternative to these moral choices. And that's when they accuse us of not letting go of the Bush Legacy. Don't they see that the last 100 days and much of Obama's time is being spent to fix that which is broken?

I am highly amused by Fox network's version of the last 100 days. It's funny how they didn't see any of these rhetorical threats when the government was given the green light to spy on citizens, torture, protect the top 1 percent and essentially put our economic status in the crapper.

The sad thing is in my eyes, all of these descriptions they offer about Obama actually describe President Cheney and Vice President Bush.

OOooooo, I went there.

I prefer this version:

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