Monday, January 04, 2010


2009 was a rough year for many and we saw a lot of changes. Here are my 2010 resolutions...

  1. Continue to workout and reach 184 lbs (about 5 lbs to lose)
  2. Grow with Zoe
  3. More date nights with Yvonne
  4. Kick ass at work
  5. Continue to learn the guitar and piano
  6. Walk Walker at least 3 times a week
  7. Pay off more debt
  8. Read more (a standing resolution)
  9. Relax when I can (read: xbox 360)
  10. Run/walk in at least one race

For perspective, here are my 2009 resolutions and how I measured up:

  1. Workout more/Lose weight/Eat better [Done. Lost about 10-15 lbs by working out and eating better]
  2. Teach Zoe more words [Done. The little one has a vast 100+ word vocabulary, including "Superman" and "Star Wars"]
  3. Keep the marriage strong [Feeling good here]
  4. Keep a roof over our heads and a pantry full of "grain" (i.e. succeed at work during this economy) [So far, so good.]
  5. Pay off more debt [Paid a lot off, still a ways to go.]
  6. Improve my poker skillz. Try to compete. [Essentially, I failed this one.]
  7. Read more (I have books, just not the time to read figured out) [eh, I read a few books.]
  8. Find a place to live with a yard/second bedroom and get Walker back [Mission Accomplished.]
  9. Learn more than two guitar chords [Done.]
  10. Maintain a steady stream of Xbox Live achievement points [Done.]


Yvonne said...

not bad!

Anonymous said...

I add: update more often, and put up more photos.

Your Dallas fan