We are home now. Things are starting to settle. During all this, we've had a few challenges, including the AC breaking down Friday night (12 hours before baby) and coming home to clogged drains throughout the house (plumber should be here in the next 1-4 hours, time to hold it! no flushing!)
But, the baby is sleeping and so is Yvonne. Everyone is healthy and good, except my nerves.
Update: Plumbing is fixed and I added two more pics. I agree, I'm glad she looks more like her mommy, instead of my ugly mug.
Absolutely beautiful. So glad to see Zoe didn't take after Dad.
Welcome Zoe! Can't wait to meet you!
Ditto Craig. That facial hair would be so unattractive on a baby girl.
How did ya'll get the bow in her hair?
Hail, daughter of Krypton!
Welcome, Miss Zoe, I'm you're Uncle Banky. I wish you the best of luck. You'll need it, coming into the world with such a daddy.
BTW, ya'll--good sense of rhythm there in the name: short-long-short.
Good luck and congrats, you nutty kids!
Welcome Zoe!!! God, she looks just like Yvonne!
Hugs to all of you!
She is gorgeous! Way to go Papa. I look forward to hearing the birth story. And I love the name Zoe. I hope Yvonne continues to recover well and you got your drama out of the way now. Enjoy the sleeping stage. It doesn't last near long enough. 16 more weeks for me. I love all the pools in Austin!
The photo with the tongue poking out is possibly the best newborn photo I have ever seen. I hope as she grows, Zoe keeps that frame of mind.
Going to be a heart breaker ! Good to see you Zoe. Can't wait to hold you.
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