Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy holidays

I've taken the entire week off to get a few things done. I also went to the doctor yesterday (first time in 2.5 years) because of a back pain I've had since last Wednesday. I kept telling myself it would go away like normal back pain, but it didn't. And, it started waking me up at night. Yvonne convinced me to go to a doctor yesterday. Turns out it's costochondritis. Joy. Unfortunately, it's like a sprained ankle and just needs time. That means I probably won't be playing Wii with the family this holiday.

In the meantime, I discovered making dog noises makes Zoe giggle. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Neighbor's new window

It's been pretty busy around here as usual. Clark Kent work is heavy and freelance is steady. I did go to a neighborhood crime watch meeting last week. I'm going to join and try to become a block captain.

In the meantime, last night we noticed about 6 cop cars right out front. Apparently, someone drove a truck into a house. crazy.

Here's the full scoop.

We also had our first sick baby and I caught the bug. it's mostly gone now. mostly.