Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Fish and sleep

Things here have been going well. Sleep is still the big challenge. Yvonne is getting less than me, but she gets to sleep in during the mornings. Sometimes all is good and Zoe sleeps most of the night. Sometimes, like last night, she stays up from midnight to 4am.

But, overall, things are improving. We were talking about even a couple weeks ago, we couldn't put her down as much, even to sleep. Now, she's slept in her crib a few times, as well as the swing chair.

We took her to the Dallas Farmers Market on Saturday. She snoozed in the stroller as Yvonne bought fresh veggies and fruit (I hit two people with the stroller, hehe, but they were OK. Next time we're using the sling). We also bought some organic meat and fresh coffee. Sunday, we took her out for brunch at Garden Cafe. It was a nice time on the back patio, with butterflies chasing each other and not too much heat. In fact, the sun didn't really pop out until about the time we were leaving.

After brunch, we bought fish for Zoe's aquarium, as well as a couple bottom feeders for mine. Zoe has two guppies, a red-tail shark and one-two-three hatchet tetras, ah ah ahhhhhh

Monday, June 18, 2007

Wiikend fun

Over the weekend, my little bro lended me his Wii. It's pretty fun. I've played a few games. Although the bowling is awesome, I'm already to the point of wanting more games. And Frogboy has all the released Wii games, from what I can tell. About 6 of them. I did try the golf out, but I'm having trouble getting the Wiimote to respond. It might be a battery issue.

Yvonne and I bowled a little yesterday. I'm learning how to roll a strike with a baby in one arm. :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


In an effort to move on and let go of Sophi, I'm considering a memorial tattoo. I don't know where, or exactly what. But I think it's in order. I'm struggling advancing beyond mourning and my intent is to just pound it down, so to speak.

Not everyone knows, but Sophie had a tattoo on her belly (we made it one of her tricks or commands: "Show me your tattoo" and she'd roll over and show it). The tattoo was letters and numbers found in the title of this post. I registered the tat and if someone found her lost, they could call a 1 (800) number (I'm not making this up) and find her owner. It's like a primitive chip in the ear. Of course, it faded over time and some letters began to disappear.

More info here.

I have one tattoo already on my right shoulder. I got it when I was 19 and in Miami. It was an Ankh I designed. I did it on a whim--basically frantic to bookmark that place in my life--a low point if you will. But a point I felt important enough to always remember no matter where I was; a booster shot for the appreciation of life.

When I was 28 and in Austin, I had the tat improved. We added color and changed it to an Egyptian Eye of Horus theme (not exact). In a weird way, it empowers me to think I can see things, but I know it's my imagination.

As far as the Sophie tattoo, I'm not the first to do it. My college roommate already got the above letters and numbers on his right elbow. I guess he had to mourn her sooner than I did.

So chime in folks. Where should I get it? What should it contain (the title of this post is required)? And who should do it?

Spreading the word

Interesting Argument About Global Warming - Watch more free videos

Monday, June 11, 2007

And off we go

Part three in my series on feline domestication. It doesn't stop him from catching lizards and mice outside. And he still screams at 4am, whether he's inside or out, to get the other. That's my justification for doing this series. That and to capture the soul of it.

Also, I'm checking out blog feeds from various services. This is the first use of that, rather than me pulling the code. I'm not sure I'm down with the border. And the size is a tad small, but they have a few options. Overall, from a layout stand point, it's eh.

Oh, one more thing about this photo: Roscoe was purring the whole time.

See your car in a crash

Now for something totally random. I thought this article was pretty interesting. I'm glad I have the optional side airbags in the Element. As for the Neon ... we might need to expedite our plan on selling that car.Thanks to Consumer Reports for providing the info.

read more | digg story

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Thinking outside the (x)box

My adorable xbox had a hardware failure yesterday. I'd been playing a lot of Texas Hold 'Em poker on XBL and was starting to get the hang of it. I even could hold Zoe, and play through a tournament or two.

We've also been using the console as a DVD playa in the living room and it's worked out nicely. Plus, I've been using the console to show baby photos on the TV (all connected on the Wi-Fi). I can even play music from my PC while a slide show rolls on the TV, which is nice because it's all hooked up to the stereo.

But, about a week or so ago, the machine started locking up. Then yesterday it had no video, or when it did, it was wacky. So I called the number and they concluded it was a hardware issue and still under warranty. They are sending me a box to mail it to them in. Then, they will either fix or replace, no charge to me. I thought at least that aspect was pretty cool.

So, I'm reading more now, lol. And posting more blog entries.

Zoe was up late last night. We watched a movie until about 1:30 or 2, but she was awake a few hours until 3 or so. She ate pretty much the whole time, and we wondered if she had a stomach ache. But, after one last feed, she totally crashed. They are both sleeping now (almost 11am), which is good.

Friday, June 08, 2007

New camera

We have the new camera. Here's our first video. It's Zoe's first ride in the swing chair. I want to thank the Six Pack for a generous gift certificate that allowed us to buy this chair. Zoe seems to love it.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Baby report

It's been a busy week since I last posted. In addition to saying goodbye to my dog, we also said goodbye to Yvonne's mom, who stayed with us for two weeks following Zoe's arrival. Well, not the same kind of goodbye. Yvonne's dad and grandmother drove from Midland and picked her up last weekend. It was simply fantastic having her with us in the house. I highly recommend it for anyone having a baby. For one, it opened up time for me to handle things like the plumbing emergency and Sophi's choice. It also opened up time for Yvonne to sleep when she needed to. We also learned a thing or two about keeping the baby happy having her around. In a way, it kept us sane for the toughest two weeks in baby time (so I'm told).

Zoe is doing great. She's entering a fussy time after being basically the most calm, quiet baby we've ever seen for 2.5 weeks. The doctor predicted the fussiness and was right. Speaking of the doctor, we took Zoe on Monday. She weighed 6 lbs. 14 oz. That's about 8 oz. more than predicted for a two week check up. We call her our little piggy because she is an active eater. And with that, is the product. We already have a few "diaper stories" we can share for those interested. I think I'll spare the everyday reader from those stories though...

Zoe's also focusing her eyes on people and objects more. She'll stare at you kind of like a baby owl. Also, I noticed last night she likes the aquarium bubble sound, which is good because I set up a 10 gallon tank in her room. It bubbles nicely.

Zoe's hair is growing as well. Overall, she looks different now in general (that just continues, I'm sure).

We bought a new digital camera so we can shoot video with sound. I'm hoping to catch a chirp noise she makes when she's feeding or just trying to sleep. That's when you will see more photos here. I'll try not to be the typical dad and just talk about my baby, but let's be honest: that's the biggest thing I have going on in my life right now.

I'm returning to work on Monday. I'm looking forward to getting my hands dirty with the work and starting more of a regular schedule. I'll probably take Yvonne's car and leave her the Element with baby seat installed. I should burn some CDs.

Finally, thanks to everyone for your warm comments about Sophi. I miss her a lot. I think about her when the doorbell rings and no one barks (Walker isn't a great guard dog--he chases the garbage truck, the cat and that's about it). I think about her when I think I hear her licking her leg. I think about her every time I feed the dog. I think about her when I make the word dogs singular.

She grew up with me ever since I left college and we had a good time together. Maybe after she met Zoe, she knew I was in a different stage in my life. I would like to think she did, and that she understood how much I loved her. Now, I'm focusing on looking forward in my new stage.