Thursday, July 31, 2008

Situation Report

After being in Austin one full week, I thought a sit rep would be good. Basically, the state of the union is good.

Living at a buddy's house hasn't been as cramped as I expected. Yvonne and I try to step up and do things around the house when possible. Zoe is very mobile, but well contained. hehe. She likes people, so she's developing special bonds with the people in the house. She seems to be going through a rough teething spell, that's been waking us all up a few nights for a couple hours. Sleep levels were low until I got a full seven hours last night.

Work has been interesting. I haven't completed a full week yet, and things are still catching up. I'm waiting on various elements: computer, security tag, etc. I've eaten in the cafeteria everyday and that's not a problem at all. The views are nice and I even ate outside yesterday.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to catch up on other things in life. I have some freelance work that's piling up. While I was living in Dallas alone, I was pushing a lot of my nerdy stuff to the top of the Netflix queue. Now, I need to watch those so new movies arrive. I am also reading book 8 of "The Walking Dead" and the two people I've spoken to about it (they both read it already) are excited to talk to me when I'm done. I'm about half-way now.

Walker is at Cicada Oaks and from initial reports he is doing well. The house sitter in Dallas is watching Roscoe.

This weekend is our five year anniversary. We are staying at the hotel we were married at. Funny how easy that is to do when you're in the same city. It's amazing we planned that whole darn wedding from Chicago.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Foundation, The Movie?

I thought this was encouraging. If they can actually get around to "Watchmen", then "Foundation" can't be completely out of the scope of reality ... so to speak.

New Project

For fun, me and a buddy are figuring out how to organize a poker game. Legal, of course. In the meantime, I made this resource site for us as we figure it out.

Friday, July 25, 2008

In Austin

Well folks, here I am. The trip down was hectic, but once I got here and saw Yvonne and Zoe things smoothed out. I think they both appreciate me around.

Walker is being boarded until Sunday. Then, I'll take him out to Cicada Oaks to stay until further notice (we sell the Dallas house). We seem to be hovering in a good holding pattern for now.

Austin is much different. Every interaction you have, the person is nice. From the check out line at the grocery store, to the gas station attendants, to the random person in the elevator. It's refreshing. Not that Dallas is grumpy, but people aren't as warm.

I might buy some work clothes today and catch up on some other work.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Memed Copy

What I was Doing Ten Years Ago
I was working for a local weekly newspaper. I had just become the editor after working as the staff writer for a year. My ulcer was beginning to develop.

Five Snacks I Enjoy
1. Chicken wings
2. Take Five
3. Pizza
4. BBQ Chips
5. Cheese and crackers

Five Things On My To-do List Today
1. Try to rehome our cat
2. Laundry
3. Call insurance about a cracked windshield
4. Freelance work
5. Clean house

Five Favorite Recipes
1. BBQ (anything)
2. Lasagna
3. Fried chicken
4. Breakfast tacos
5. Queso

Five Jobs I’ve Had
1. Writer
2. Editor
3. Sales rep
4. Chemical waste treatment
5. Bag boy (first job!)

Five Bad Habits
1. Worrying
2. Beer, etc.
3. Eating bad food
4. Not working out
5. Being too social

All The Places I’ve Lived
1. Davis, CA
2. San Diego, CA
3. Dallas, TX
4. Miami, FL
5. Houston, TX
6. El Campo, TX
7. Austin, TX
8. Chicago, IL

Five Random Things About Me
1. I like fly fishing.
2. I'm a sci-fi nerd.
3. When I get motion sickness, I close my eyes are pretend I'm in the Millennium Falcon.
4. I'm relatively good at training mutts
5. I can be intuitive, sometimes.

Five People I’m Tagging
Nobody. But, I was tagged by Katy. So was Yvonne.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Moving to Austin

Some of you may read my wife's blog where she mentioned she and Zoe are living in Austin. I've had a couple friends ask me if everything is OK and what is going on?

We are all moving to Austin. If we could have done it at the same time, that would have been great. But, it takes a while to iron out details and find opportunity.

So, next Wednesday, I'm moving down there to join them. I'm looking forward to living down there again. It's a great town with great people.

So, that's the big news. :)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Police State

If you don't know we live in a police state, you aren't paying attention.

Imagine full (gilly) camo Marines watching you 200 yards from your home and determining you were a hostile that needed to be "neutralized."

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Major Change

Most people know big change is on the way for me and mine. Some of us have already seen it. And, soon so will I. If this sounds like I'm talking in code, it's only because I need to handle the situation delicately. It's the main reason my blog has been kind of silent the past few months. Soon, I will reveal the bunny in the hat.