Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Sophi Stull 1995-2007

Today, the situation with Sophi became worse. She stopped eating and peeing. She refused chicken meat and water. I knew it was bad. I took her to the vet and he concluded she had a tumor inside her bladder. She was diagnosed with days left in her life.

So, I was concerned about how those final days would be for her. Specifically the pain. We began to give her a catheter to empty her bladder, which was incredibly large due to no relief. But, that would only fill back up again and she'd be back in the pain. So, instead of keeping her here for my sake, I decided to let her go for hers. It was one of the toughest decisions I've ever made. I stayed with her to the end, told I loved her, she's a good girl, we had a good time, and finally, good bye.

It went fast.

We already miss her very much. I've had her for 11.5 years, from college days, to my first career job, to getting married and having a baby. She supported me the whole time. She was a fantastic dog and I was lucky I was watching TV that day she happened to be featured as pet of the week on the local news. From the moment I saw her then, I've enjoyed her personality, charm and wisdom.

What's up with Sophi

Warning: this might be too much for the squeamish.

About three weeks ago, Sophi (my 11.5-year-old dog), was having trouble peeing and pooping. I took her to the vet to discover she had a severe urinary track infection that was so bad, she was clinching everything. Her bowels were backed up pretty bad. We took X rays, she got two enimas and a couple prescriptions. It was obvious she wasn't comfortable.

So, after a day or so, she returned to normal. Kind of. The infection cleared and she peed just fine now, but it took her about 3 times the effort to produce something solid. But, she was in good spirits and we were patient.

The baby came and the day we came home, Sophi seemed weak. She stumbled at the door and was lethargic. I took her to the vet (after getting the plumbing unclogged---first day back home from the hospital mind you). The vet said I could use fish oil and gloucosimine for her bad leg. She favors a hind leg and it's losing muscle mass.

Then, this weekend, I noticed she struggled again for number two. I took her to the vet on Monday to find out she has colitis. He gave her a shot and three more prescriptions and said she should improve by dinner. She did improve a little, even produced a small amount, but she wasn't normal. She stopped coming into the house and just stayed in the yard trying. Then, she'd lay down for a spell, wake up and try in vain again.

I called the vet yesterday with my concern and he said give her until Friday. I gave her her pills last night and she ate grass and threw them up. She spent the night outside last night, but came in around 9am this morning and I gave her six pills (the sixth is a vet recommended Tylonal with codeine. I'm keeping watch on her to make sure she keeps the pills down. I was afraid this morning I was going to find a stiff dog outside. In addition to all this, another symptom (understandably) is a lack of appetite. Sophi hasn't eaten in at least a day or so.

So, there we are. I'm keeping up with meds and making sure she rests. I don't think she slept well yesterday or last night.

Meanwhile, Zoe is awesome. Her existence is helping me cope with the facts and the inevitable. The above photo is Sophi in Miami at 9 weeks old.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Things on my cat

I know this is odd. But, I have a new photo hobby inspired by a web site we've known about for a few years.

I have a couple photos so far, and I doubt they will ever get as complicated as some of the pics I've seen above.

Sophi is still having issues. Hopefully, she will be ok.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Quick update

Everyone seems to be settling in nicely. Having Yvonne's mom here is a huge help. We all share shifts and Yvonne can sneak in naps. Yvonne gives a pretty solid account of the delivery on her site.

So far, Zoe is pretty mellow. She already ignores the barking dogs. Right now, she's more nocturnal, opening her eyes for long periods of time to check things out. I shot this photo last night during one of those times.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Flowers for Zoe

We are home now. Things are starting to settle. During all this, we've had a few challenges, including the AC breaking down Friday night (12 hours before baby) and coming home to clogged drains throughout the house (plumber should be here in the next 1-4 hours, time to hold it! no flushing!)

But, the baby is sleeping and so is Yvonne. Everyone is healthy and good, except my nerves.

Update: Plumbing is fixed and I added two more pics. I agree, I'm glad she looks more like her mommy, instead of my ugly mug.


Saturday, May 19, 2007

Baby X is here

At 8:22am this morning, our daughter was born. I'm too tired to say more, but rest assured photos and more details will follow.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Can you read my mind?

I'm telling you, Bollywood might be on to something with this one... Of course they are mixing DC and Marvel, but who cares. Down geek boy!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Getting close

As you can imagine, it's getting close to baby time. I've been busy and haven't had time to write much. So here's a gem to hold you over.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Rockin' steady

Things have been pretty busy and I haven't had too much time to post. But, a lot has been accomplished:
  • We finished our baby classes, took breast feeding tonight and have general child care next week. Then we are done. haha, right. It just begins :)
  • We planted corn and sunflowers by the house.
  • We planted 2 small junipers in the wall's bed.
  • We planted yellow and green squash.
  • Several ugly storms have rolled through, so the city is actively trimming trees near powers lines. A few of our trees were cut in the process, saving me hundreds on car insurance.
  • Last night around 10pm, we randomly decided to reorganize a shelf in the kitchen, which led to us rearrange the furniture and mop the floor, of course. [P.S. It looks awesome, so there.]
  • I submitted Walker to a dog talent agent, hoping they might have a roll for Wolf #4 out there somewhere that could pay for dog food and meds [One can dream].
  • We bought a rug for the nursery. It really ties the room together.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007