Monday, May 15, 2006


Work has been busy, but also nice. I look up and it's 4pm. I like those days.

One other thing about working from home I discovered---when things get really busy, I accidentally skip lunch. I think it's because there's no one walking up to me and saying, "What are you eating for lunch?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe leftovers."

"Leftovers? You serious, dude? What about a big, fat burger??"

"Well, I'm kind of doing something here, you know, on the work computer? Work? I am still working even though I'm home."

"You still have to eat."

"OK, well that's a good point."

"Bacon and cheese burger, man. That's all I'm saying."

"Ok, I'm driving."

No, there's no one here like that. So, I look up and it's 2pm and I grab some leftover chicken breast.

On a side note, it's time to check yourself when myspace asks "Do you really want to add Mr. Happypants as a friend?"

And you hit Add.

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