Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Peachy Green

I have to say I love St. Patty's Day. We go way back.

It's been very busy lately and my updates aren't great, I know. It all comes down to priorities. I'll give you an example while being a lazy blogger.

It's time for a New year's resolution update:
  1. Workout more/Lose weight/Eat better: I've jumped on the bike a few times, hit the gym @ work, lost about 6 pounds and started a vitamin routine (thanks Yvonne).
  2. Teach Zoe more words: Since the new year, she has learned to say many words. I think I've taught her: Zoe, dog, mama, and probably a few more I'm forgetting.
  3. Keep the marriage strong: Anyone will tell you this is hard, but I feel like the communication level is good. Right, baby?
  4. Keep a roof over our heads and a pantry full of "grain" (i.e. succeed at work during this economy): So far, so good.
  5. Pay off more debt: Staying on target.
  6. Improve my poker skillz. Try to compete: We had one tourney among friends so far. Hoping for more. Um yeah, I was second to tap out. lol
  7. Read more (I have books, just not the time to read figured out): I started a book. Need to do more in this one.
  8. Find a place to live with a yard/second bedroom and get Walker back: This comes into play at the end of our lease, August.
  9. Learn more than two guitar chords: I am very strong in those two chords.
  10. Maintain a steady stream of Xbox Live achievement points: Steady, not so much. But, the number is now 8777. I want to say I was around 8000 or so at the new year?

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

You're welcome.

And yes, I agree! Not easy but still going strong.