Monday, April 24, 2006

You must go to Dagobah

Last night while I was sleeping, I heard a voice. It said, "Nate ..."

I was groggy and tired, it was an unclear voice.

"Nate, you must go to Dagobah. There you will find Yoda."

Since Friday, someone has fired a shotgun twice on my street, about a house away. Both times were just before 9pm. Last night, Yvonne heard it again around 1:30am, but I was dreaming of the voice and missed it. She said when she woke me up, I jumped out of bed, like I had heard it.

When the two times at 9pm happened, we found shells on the street. I looked this morning for more, but there were none.

Now, I'm going to admit one of the dumbest things I've ever done. Last night, around 9:30pm, after calling 911. I went outside to look for the shells. Granted no one was there, but it was a bad call, Ripley.

Mr. Kerry called while I was out there.

"Nate's outside," Yvonne told him.

"I hope he's armed," he said back. I think Mr. Kerry is a retired deputy. I know for a fact he's armed with at least a .357 Magnum in his house.

While Warlord and I were outside shooting photos of the shells before putting them in a baggie (he has a collection going), a car drove up slowly. We went inside and waited. I doubt it was a threat, but we had just enough adrenaline to head indoors.

Yvonne wonders if the perp saw us taking photos and picked up the shells last night at 1:30am.

OK, I admitted my bad judgment of going outside, but I want to explain my logic.

First, I wanted those shells collected. Already, Warlord can say without a doubt, it's the same gun. We know more.

Second, I was angry. It makes me mad to think I can't go in my front yard---the one I bust MY ASS to maintain and improve---at 9pm at night.

Lesson learned, not going outside next time. But, I can feel safer. I can help Yvonne feel safer. There are steps I can take.

I guess, like it or not, we're hostage to this person until they stop or those steps are taken.

You see, I need a Yoda.


Incognato said...

1:30am shot was a .22 or so. Warlord confirmed he heard it and it sounded higher pitch.

Katy said...

crazy effing people.

did yvonne tell you about the voicemail messages i received on my cell phone?

what is wrong with people??? don't you just ever ask yourself, "self, i know there's all kinds of people in the world, but why do i attract the nutjobs???"