Thursday, September 20, 2007

Four months and more cat attacks

Yesterday, Zoe had her four month check up. Everything checked out. She's:

13 lbs, 15.5 oz. (about double the birth weight)

25 inches long (She was 17 inches when born)

Around the 40 percentile for weight

Around the 80 percentile for length

About to start rolling over

Looks like she'll end up with brown eyes

We think she just had a growth spurt, which is why she's tall and skinny. She also got four shots, which made her tired and a little cranky. I left some baby pain medication at the day care because her legs were sore.

Meanwhile, the cat hunting continues. I cleaned up another rodent body on the back porch this morning. It was pretty light, so I whether wonder it's a new one, or just an old one that began to dry out and bore him.

1 comment:

Katy said...

OMG she looks JUST LIKE Yvonne here!!!!