Sunday, December 02, 2007


Well, friends, it turns out it wasn't a rib issue at all, but shingles. Basically, anyone who had the Chicken Pox as a kid has this virus in their spine. And under the right conditions, it sparks. The doctor said last Thursday I'm about half way. And the flu-like symptoms seems to be mostly over. The shoulder pain continues, but I'm on new meds. So things are OK. Stress seems to be the main cause, and guess what? Having a youngun' and getting things done is stressful (holidays stress me out, too). Fortunately, while I was down, Yvonne helped a bunch.

We decorated the house for Christmas today. Zoe seemed to enjoy it. She's in a grabbing stage, which is pretty funny. And she's eating more solid foods, like cereal and peas. Now we're thinking about presents and who should get what.

And finally, I officially joined the neighborhood watch group. New signs were posted all around the area. I'm just waiting for the first tag to hit one of those. But, I'm optimistic. The area is organizing. We have an email list. We have a person in charge. And we have a set of goals (starting with the signs). Maybe 2008 will bring security. I know I'm going to try to make that happen. But, I'll try not to stress about it.

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