Thursday, July 17, 2008

Memed Copy

What I was Doing Ten Years Ago
I was working for a local weekly newspaper. I had just become the editor after working as the staff writer for a year. My ulcer was beginning to develop.

Five Snacks I Enjoy
1. Chicken wings
2. Take Five
3. Pizza
4. BBQ Chips
5. Cheese and crackers

Five Things On My To-do List Today
1. Try to rehome our cat
2. Laundry
3. Call insurance about a cracked windshield
4. Freelance work
5. Clean house

Five Favorite Recipes
1. BBQ (anything)
2. Lasagna
3. Fried chicken
4. Breakfast tacos
5. Queso

Five Jobs I’ve Had
1. Writer
2. Editor
3. Sales rep
4. Chemical waste treatment
5. Bag boy (first job!)

Five Bad Habits
1. Worrying
2. Beer, etc.
3. Eating bad food
4. Not working out
5. Being too social

All The Places I’ve Lived
1. Davis, CA
2. San Diego, CA
3. Dallas, TX
4. Miami, FL
5. Houston, TX
6. El Campo, TX
7. Austin, TX
8. Chicago, IL

Five Random Things About Me
1. I like fly fishing.
2. I'm a sci-fi nerd.
3. When I get motion sickness, I close my eyes are pretend I'm in the Millennium Falcon.
4. I'm relatively good at training mutts
5. I can be intuitive, sometimes.

Five People I’m Tagging
Nobody. But, I was tagged by Katy. So was Yvonne.

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