Saturday, October 21, 2006

Caught up catching up

Several things have been happening here that have been quite significant.

First, as I mentioned, the Buick broke down last weekend, so we went ahead and got a new car. A Honda Element (if the last headline didn't give enough away). It's a nice, safe car that can fit both the dogs and lots of baggage. It also has satellite XM radio, and stations Ethel and Fred are winning the race. I'm not sure if I'll keep that, but the first three months are free. I like how versatile the car is. It can carry lots of peeps, or lots of bags of mulch. I also like that it's actually smaller in the garage. The Buick is now fixed and we're looking into getting rid of it.

Second, as I mentioned, I got an Xbox 360. So far, I've been shot by the police after a particularly messy turf war, destroyed a Confederate Battleship, been eaten in a mall by a horde of zombies (helllooooo, recurring dream) and killed aliens invading my orbital defense space station. I haven't had a lot of time to play this week, but I already like it better than PC gaming a bit. I might even strip this computer down some to give the hard drive more wiggle room.

Third, and this one I don't think I mentioned, Yvonne has fully embraced her geekness and caught up with all the Battlestar Galactica episodes. She's ready for season 3 which started a couple weeks ago. I held out on season 3 so we could watch them together (downloading on iTunes as I type). Now, I could be proud about this for the sci-fi, geeky factor, but I'm more proud of this because the show has withstood a test of quality. News articles are coming out now saying it's less sci-fi and more mainstream. Maybe that's the case, but ever since I saw it, I knew the reign of Star Trek was over. And will remain so. Even with JJ Abrams doing the next movie about early Star Fleet days of Kirk and Spock. And having Yvonne vouch for it just proves it.

The weather has cooled and I turned on the heater yesterday for the first time.

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