Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Things have been busy around here. We finished another room in the house (photos soon) and I decided since I'm not working from home to rearrange my office at home for more space. So far so good. I removed one of the three desks and moved some of my office stuff into a built-in desk in the den. We might move the aquarium from the den to the office now. Not sure.

So, not much time at the computer at home, except for a freelance design gig I worked on last weekend. It's a long-term project, so I was just getting the basics down. Now, I wait for stuff from the client before taking the next step. I'm guessing they might forget, then ask where the website is in about a month.

Work in the new office is good. I'm still setting up a few things. From what I can tell, neighbors around me include a CPA, a medical attorney of some sort and an architect. Our office has been relatively empty with coworkers out in the field and printing things at home. The printer doesn't work, I brought mine from home.

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