Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy 1-1-11

Today marks a new year and a new stage in life. For the past decade, we've explored. We saw interesting sites, met wonderful people and lived a nomadic life. This new stage is the end of that kind of life. We are ready to settle. Exploring is now a hobby, not a way of life.

With that, I return to the blogosphere after a long hiatus. It's been a tough few months, but the end result is good. We have a new home that we will enjoy for years to come, a new boy in our family and roots in a city we love.

I am thankful for my family, friends, job (even when it's stressful) and of course, Xbox.

2011 Resolutionary Catalog of Incognato Priority
  1. Continue to provide a stable home for my kids and wife
  2. Start working out again and add diversity to my workouts
  3. Finish hanging art in the house
  4. Eat healthier and cook more
  5. Pay off the Element
Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

Don't forget to have fun!