Thursday, January 06, 2011

Hit the trail

I went on a short bike ride to test out my bike gears, tires and muscles. The gears and tires work great! Strangely, my hands are the most soar. I wore gloves, but my grip must be out of shape.

I also realized I need a new helmet. The one I have I bought in '98 and the straps are disintegrating. The pads are all flat and overall it's time.

The ride was on a trail about 1 minute from my house in Slaughter Creek Greenbelt. It's nice to finally tap into the trails. We moved, had a baby and never got around to the satellite activities--until now!

I'm trying to get in better shape, like I was before the move. Not the move last year--the one 5 months before that. I was on good routine. This time, I want to work on three ways to workout so I can alternate. Biking, treadmill, and what? hmmm

Something I need to figure out.

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