Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Got an itch

Today, I slept in 'til 8am. I started the water for the last phase that I couldn't finish last night (I watered until about 10pm). While that was running, I took the mutts for a walk. I am trying to do that every morning before work as my "commute." So far, I'm probably doing it about 75%.

I have poison ivy on my leg again. It happens each summer and my skin isn't strong enough to heal from it anymore. We suspect the cat gets it on his coat and rubs the oil on my shin, but truthfully, we don't know. I usually get some cream from the doctor, but I'm out. What sucks is I have to go back to the doc, pay the copay, just to hear her say, "Yeah, that's poison ivy. You need the cream." Then, I finally get the wonderful cream that helps me defeat the evil, conniving Poison Ivy. It would be great if I could just "call it in" like so many peeps told me I should do.

We have a nearby neighbor that gave up on her yard decades ago. The back yard has a child's swing set hidden among trees and weeds that have never understood the threat of clippers. She has 20-foot tall poison ivy vines up in the trees and oozing into the alley. I avoid the alley now to be safe. I noticed she has it in her front yard now too.

While picking up the cream, I bought a laser pointer for the cat. He's already hunted his red little friend several times. Walker doesn't like Roscoe's hunting behavior and tries to stop him. It's kind of funny to watch. It take the mind off of my desire to take a cheese grader to my leg for a good 15 minutes.

1 comment:

Katy said...

that sucks! sorry to hear that. i had my first experience with poison ivy last fall. it itched like mad. here is a lovely photo of my arm and back.

i know it could have been a LOT WORSE (i've seen pictures that would give you nightmares)

and i have no idea where i got it, either.