Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Great show

On Saturday, I took my two brothers to see Bauhaus and Nine Inch Nails. It went as perfectly as I hoped and the three of us had a fantastic time.

Bauhaus was a favorite band of mine for quite some time, and to see them rock just as hard as they did in their videos (they broke up about four years before I'd heard of them from my brother) was a treat. Daniel Ash wailed on sax. David J thumped on his bass and Peter Murphy did the "bat pose." (NOT Batman) Kevin on drums was great, but he was never the show, poor guy.

They sang all the favorites except their biggest hit, "Bela Lugosi's Dead", of which I had a very large poster back in the day (as well as a painted leather jacket with the "Sky's Gone out" logo). Chris thinks they didn't sing it because it's almost TEN FRICKIN' MINUTES! I tend to agree, and it's a lot of set up. This audience needed "Telegram Sam" and "Ziggy Stardust" and "She's in Parties".

And they got it. "The sights, the sounds, the smells and more. A whole lot more."*

Oh, and then NIN followed. I look around and both my brothers are dancing, singing (screaming) and smiling hard. It was all worth it. If I had a mirror, I would have seen a third brother doing the same thing.

* Marti DiBergi in "This is Spinal Tap"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i was very surprised they didn't do bela lugosi; they've pretty much done it on every other date. and peter even put on the dumb cape he's worn when they've done it elsewhere. i heard someone say that they don't like dallas, and that's why they didn't do it. i don't know that i'd ever heard that before but it was as interesting a theory as any other