Friday, August 17, 2007

Day Three

The last few days have been much easier than I expected. The two major concerns were sleep and food. Zoe ate from the bottle just fine and a funny result of her eating so quickly from a bottle (2 ounces in 10-20 minutes vs. 20-40 minutes) is she gets sleepy. I'm able to put her on the bed with a towel under her head and feed her 1-2 ounces as she rolls her eyes and falls asleep.

She's also started using her hands more to reach, tap and grab things. This is a new development.

P.S. Yvonne wrote a very touching entry about my dog Sophie. One day, I'll hope to be able to myself.


Melanie said...

Hello my leetle friends. Let us discuss today the way we weel take ovar zee univarse.

No, yellow shakey sing, I do not want to listen to what you have to say right now! Meester white fluffly theeing ees talking and hee has a wonderfully diabolical plan... go on Meester white. You ware sayeeing?

Oh yessss, zat ees truly eeevil! Mwuaaahhahaaahaaaaa! Let us begin at waonce! Eh ... can one of you change my diaper first?

(Just wait until she discovers her hands! That'll be HOURS of entertainment! For months!)

Incognato said...

lol, that's funny. she's starting to suck on her hands now and use them to grab stuff. it's pretty cool.