Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Time of change

I'll be staying home the next few days watching Zoe as Yvonne returns to work. Right now as I type, Zoe is balling her eyes out in the crib. She has 15 more minutes to cry before the hour trial is over this round. We're trying to transition her into the crib from the bed with the heavy effort planned for Friday night (we'll have the weekend to sleep).

Oh, and we're also transitioning her more to the bottle (since mom will be at work all day). She resists the bottle, but eventually accepts it. She even ate some formula the other day. But the bottle doesn't help her fall asleep like mom does, adding to the above transition's weight.

So, I'm a little nervous about the combo change up on her as I take the daily parent reigns. She's not going to be happy with Papa Nate. But, I'll do the best I can. She'll be three months old on Sunday and has changed so much is such a short time. For one, her crying is much louder and frantic when left unchecked (like right now). She smiles a lot too, when we sing or dance for her. This morning Yvonne brought her along for the dog walk and she seemed to enjoy it.

Related to the last post, after running the other morning, I was sore for three days. I'm totally out of shape. Back to walking for now, at least until the triple digit weather lets up.

10 more minutes.

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