Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Bird of prey

Sunday, my little brother got his Eagle badge. That's a norm in our family, with all my uncles being Eagles. My one male cousin on that side, as well as me and my older brother--we are all Eagles. For the first time in 18 years, I wore my Eagle badge. It was pretty neat in a dorky way.

The ceremony was nice and my older brother and I even had parts (I put on the neckerchief). It's amazing to think about my little brother getting his Eagle. At this point, I bet he downgrades his scout involvement to pursue other things (girls).

Bankston, in light of being a Boy Scout, and the post about the games, I cannot answer your question in the comments on Nov. 27. But, I laughed pretty hard when I read it. And, then I was puzzled trying to answer it. It's like looking into the abyss.

Camera update: I have batteries! Now, I just need a swift kick in the butt!

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