Monday, December 11, 2006

Enter Sandman

This weekend has been all about filling in behind the wall. Saturday, I bought 20 40-pound bags of top soil and filled it almost half way. So, Sunday, I bought 20 more and filled it almost completely. I'm going to get 20 more bags to finish up the project and any leftover soil will be held for next spring. We have at least two beds that will get attention.

Meanwhile, instead of sodding the soil behind the wall, we decided to plant wild flowers. I'm going to get seeds from the Ladybird Johnson Center when the time comes. It should look pretty good.

Old Skool gave me an official kick in the butt for no photos. I'll have some this week for sure.

Finally, I won Monopoly yesterday with the race car. The game was close throughout and I thought his two monopolies were going to get me, but in the end they didn't. Just to prove why he's called the Warlord, he knows the most landed on area of the board and knew it when I got all three properties. OK, he knows game board landing stats? Shit, I'm just trying to get Free Parking (which he got 4 times).

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