Friday, January 26, 2007

Becoming a dad

Top 10 things I look forward to doing as a dad:
  1. Teaching her to ride a bike.
  2. Rocking in the rocking chair with a warm person falling asleep on my chest.
  3. Explaining the difference between Anakin and Luke.
  4. Reading adventure books before bed.
  5. Tooth inspections after the nightly Brush.
  6. Pretending.
  7. Learning what her favorite foods and flavors are.
  8. Watching cartoons, hopefully something with Batman and the Superfriends or Justice League or TNMT, but it very well could be something more girly, which is OK, I guess.
  9. Playing.
  10. Sleeping. I don't feel this way now, but I know I will.


Stacie said...

You listed some of my favorite things about babies. On a side note, you will find that she has a totally different perspective on Luke and Anakin that you probably didn't think of. Evan deeply cares for Vader. He calls him Hoo-Ha (think of the sound he makes when he breathes). He gets very upset at any scene where it looks like Vader will be harmed. Made me look at things a little differently after his viewpoint. And Evan and I just took our first Mama and Evan bike ride together yesterday. It was wonderful.
Good luck with her. I know you will love every second of it.

Incognato said...

We are the music makers. We are the dreamers of dreams.

Katy said...

My dad sometimes had a hard time knowing how to be a dad... but one of the things I remember most fondly were all the stories he used to tell us about crazy adventures he had when he was a little boy. Whether they were true or not didn't matter. Start writing down those stories!